Nordic Walking

Nordic Walking provides an all-over body workout for people of all ages and fitness levels

Nordic Walking is an activity that can be performed almost anywhere by anyone – there are no real age limits for this.

By promoting outdoor activities you are getting closer to nature and leaving all the stresses and strains behind you – those endorphins kick in and you start to feel good.

Here are some reasons to go Nordic Walking:

  • Activates 90% of your muscles
  • Burns up to 46% more calories than walking
  • Increases aerobic effect up to 25% more than walking
  • Decreases load and strain on the lower body
  • Tones up arms, shoulders and back muscles
  • Improves lateral mobility of the spine
  • Develops core stability and strength
  • Promotes an upright posture

Within one session you will understand the basics and be ready to walk within a group.


Often groups are split by age and levels of fitness.

The younger groups will be taken through a more advanced level of Nordic Walking whilst the older folk can take it more leisurely yet still getting a good workout.

Sessions last 1hr 15 mins

Group Sessions

Small groups of 2 to 5 people: €60

Larger groups up to 25 people: €12.50 per person (min €60)

All equipment is provided.


€60 per person

A 1hr 15 min session performed outdoors on the Beach

All equipment is provided


Personal Training

Our Training Studio is where we review exercise programmes, discuss nutrition and wind down at the end of the day in the Sauna.